Waimea Weekly has been telling the stories of the Waimea region since 2005 and has earned a loyal following in the region.

Delivered to 12,985 homes and businesses every Wednesday, the Waimea Weekly’s circulation area is in the Tasman District, just west of Nelson.

The Waimea Weekly features news, features, opinion and sport coverage and is a favourite of the local business community, with more than 100 local businesses choosing the Waimea Weekly to grow their business through advertising in its pages.

Waimea Weekly distribution area

Average readership: 29,355    |    Circulation: 12,985

Advertisement sizes and pricing

  • Full Page
    370mm h x 263mm w

  • Half Page
    180mm h x 263mm w

  • Quarter Page
    180mm h x 111mm w

  • Banner
    100mm h x 263mm w

  • Business Update
    160mm h x 263mm w

Want something else or need help deciding your options?

Call us on 03 544 9037 or email us today.

“When I need to drive business I advertise in the Waimea Weekly - it’s the way I drive up leads and grow my client base.”

Rowan Dron
Rowan Dron Electrical