
Nelson Weekly is a multi-award winning community newspaper servicing Nelson city and its surrounding suburbs. It has won dozens of journalism awards and reports on local issues, court, council, the local sporting scene and is a voice for its readers. The Weekly is the largest circulating newspaper in the region. It also holds advertising from the vast majority of local businesses.
Nelson Weekly is published each Wednesday.

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Nelson Weekly distribution area:
Average readership: 51,660    |    Circulation: 21,190

Advertisement sizes and pricing

  • Full Page
    370mm h x 263mm w

  • Half Page
    180mm h x 263mm w

  • Quarter Page
    180mm h x 111mm w

  • Banner
    100mm h x 263mm w

  • Business Update
    160mm h x 263mm w

Nelson Magazine

Nelson Magazine is the region’s only lifestyle magazine dedicated solely to Nelson. Published on high-gloss, the magazine features articles and advertising on fashion, lifestyle, homes, beauty and food. Nelson Magazine is delivered to drop stands around the region at the beginning of every month as well as all the waiting rooms, café’s, restaurants, and shops.

The magazine targets predominantly women aged between 30-65 but does attract a strong number of male readers as well.

The magazine is a high-impact way to get your brand to your target market.

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Advertisement sizes and pricing

  • Full Page
    272mm h x 175mm w

  • Half Page
    133mm h x 175mm w

  • Quarter Page
    133mm h x 85mm w

  • Banner
    65mm h x 175mm w

  • Business Noticeboard
    60 h x 85mm w

The Nelson App has been the go-to place for the latest news and sport since 2017. 

Every day tens of thousands of Nelsonians open the app to stay informed about what's happening in our region. 

But it isn't just news on the app, it features up-coming events, funeral notices, the latest property for sale, flight information, places to eat and drink, local businesses, weather and tide reports, a TV guide and much more.

So, next time you open the Nelson App, take a look around, you might be surprised what you find.

Nelson App is a member of the national iApp Network but is locally owned and operated. If you live in Nelson, or are visiting the area, you need this app. Download free on the  App Store or Google Play, or view the app online.

Average users: 52,109
Monthly views: 1,092,622

Advertisement sizes and pricing

  • 48 hr Home Page Takeover
    2044px H x 1422px W
    $595+GST per month

  • Section Banner
    220px H x 640px W
    From $200+GST per month

  • In-Story Tile
    250px H x 300px W
    $399+GST per month

  • End of Story Banner
    220px H x 640px W
    $200+GST per month

  • Funeral Banner
    220px H x 640px W
    $250+GST per month

Best Life

Best Life is a magazine that celebrates the freedom that comes with these years – the kids have left home, the mortgage is paid off and work is slowing down (or finished completely). Our readers are healthy and energetic and now have the freedom to make choices that are deliciously self-indulgent, they’ve worked hard and deserve to arrive here and have a bit of fun. There is a reason that by 2040 a third of our region is predicted to be 65 plus – because Nelson/Tasman is the popular choice to live our Best Life.

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Advertisement sizes and pricing

  • Full Page
    272mm h x 175mm w

  • Half Page
    133mm h x 175mm w

  • Quarter Page
    133mm h x 85mm w

  • Banner
    65mm h x 175mm w

  • Business Noticeboard
    60 h x 85mm w