Best Life is a magazine that celebrates the freedom that comes with being 50 plus – the kids have left home, the mortgage is paid off and work is slowing down (or finished completely). Our readers are healthy and energetic and now have the freedom to make choices that are deliciously self-indulgent, they’ve worked hard and deserve to arrive here and have a bit of fun. There is a reason that by 2040 a third of our region is predicted to be 65 plus – because Nelson/Tasman is the popular choice to live our Best Life.

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Nelson City Council, Nelson Library, Stoke Library, Greenmeadows Centre, Tasman District Council, Richmond Library, Age Concern, Alioke Eatery, Lower Queen Street Health, Motueka Guardian newspaper office, Motueka Library, Rabbit Island Coffee Co, retirement homes, waiting rooms, cafés and various other locations.

We see Best Life magazine as ideal to reach our customers, with good, local, real, articles. Like everyone, we want to live our best life and this magazine is a breath of fresh air.

Paul Brockie
Absolute Energy