
Nelson Magazine

Nelson Magazine is the region’s only lifestyle magazine dedicated solely to Nelson. Published on high-gloss, the magazine features articles and advertising on fashion, lifestyle, homes, beauty and food. Nelson Magazine is delivered to drop stands around the region at the beginning of every month as well as all the waiting rooms, café’s, restaurants, and shops.

The magazine targets predominantly women aged between 30-65 but does attract a strong number of male readers as well.

The magazine is a high-impact way to get your brand to your target market.

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Advertisement sizes and pricing

  • Full Page
    272mm h x 175mm w

  • Half Page
    133mm h x 175mm w

  • Quarter Page
    133mm h x 85mm w

  • Banner
    65mm h x 175mm w

  • Business Noticeboard
    60 h x 85mm w

Marlborough Magazine

Marlborough Magazine has been the region’s favourite magazine for more than a decade and is the only local magazine dedicated to showcasing the people and businesses of Marlborough, through inspiring storytelling and imagery.

Starting off life as this&that, the magazine has morphed into a premium regional magazine, focusing on fashion, design, cuisine, travel, homes & architecture, health and wellbeing, and lifestyle.

Published bi-monthly on high-gloss, the Marlborough Magazine targets an aspirational audience, predominantly women aged between 30-65 however attracts a strong male readership in the same age-bracket given the broad content which can also include gadgets, music, arts and design.

Read by over 32,000 readers, the bi-monthly Marlborough Magazine is a quality, high-impact platform to get your brand in front of your target market.

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Advertisement sizes and pricing

  • Full Page
    272mm h x 175mm w

  • Half Page
    133mm h x 175mm w

  • Quarter Page
    133mm h x 85mm w

  • Banner
    65mm h x 175mm w

  • Business Noticeboard
    60 h x 85mm w

Best Life

Best Life is a magazine that celebrates the freedom that comes with these years – the kids have left home, the mortgage is paid off and work is slowing down (or finished completely). Our readers are healthy and energetic and now have the freedom to make choices that are deliciously self-indulgent, they’ve worked hard and deserve to arrive here and have a bit of fun. There is a reason that by 2040 a third of our region is predicted to be 65 plus – because Nelson/Tasman is the popular choice to live our Best Life.

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Advertisement sizes and pricing

  • Full Page
    272mm h x 175mm w

  • Half Page
    133mm h x 175mm w

  • Quarter Page
    133mm h x 85mm w

  • Banner
    65mm h x 175mm w

  • Business Noticeboard
    60 h x 85mm w